[FilterScript] [FS] Cookie System (KillingSprees/Setcookies/etc...)

Cookie System
By : ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL

First Release - (June 07, 2010)

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What is it?
Its a Cookie System, I used dini in it so all cookies
get saved. Also, I've added a little touch on
Killingspree which you will receive
cookies on your killingspree.

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Note :

IMPORTANT NOTE : You must have a folder in your Scriptfiles called Cookie System
First : You can edit the Sell Cookie price.
Second : You can edit the give of cookies on Killing Spree.
Third : You can edit the Buy Cookie price.
Fourth : You must have the DINI include.

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Commands :
For the admins :

/setcookies - [playerid] [amount]

For the players :

/givecookies - [playerid] [amount]
/cookiesof - [playerid]
/buycookies - You will buy a cookie for cash.
/sellcookies - You will sell your cookies for cash.
/cookiehelp - Will show you all of the cookie commands.
/eatcookies - You will eat a cookie and give you %10 HP.
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Downloads :

Pastebin :

PWN + AMX file :

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Credits to :
Dracoblue - For dcmd + Dini
****** - For sscanf
Etch's Bank System - For making me easily learn dini
IanDaCJ & vOnz - Beta Testers

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Found a bug? Please post them here in this topic!
Enjoy your new cookie system

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