Little problem with detecting if a player is paused

I saw a post saying if a player is paused, the function Onplayerupdate isnt called. So based on that i made this..


forward PauseCheck();
public PauseCheck()
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(OnPlayerUpdate(i) == 0)
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
GetPlayerPos(i, X, Y, Z );
playertextid = CreatePlayer3DTextLabel(i,"PAUSED",0xE60000FF,X,Y, Z,999);
print("/n Someone is Paused");
if(OnPlayerUpdate(i) == 1)
DeletePlayer3DTextLabel(i, playertextid);
return 1;

I added the

print("/n Someone is Paused");

line so i could see if it worked or not while i tested it. Yet the line "Someone is paused" did not come up on the server screen like every other "Print" does.

It compiles no problem, just doesnt seem to actually work.
Is anyone able to help me out with this problem? Any help would be highly appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
Little problem with detecting if a player is paused - by chaosnz - 05.06.2010, 07:00
Re: Little problem with detecting if a player is paused - by Calgon - 05.06.2010, 07:03
Re: Little problem with detecting if a player is paused - by cmg4life - 16.06.2010, 09:00
Re: Little problem with detecting if a player is paused - by ev0lution - 16.06.2010, 09:06

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