How can I?

Originally Posted by Antonio (
Use the Function 'GetClosestPlayerToPlayer' but replace player2 with an object.
Is there a GetClosestPlayerToPlayer function?

Messages In This Thread
How can I? - by ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 01.06.2010, 22:16
Re: How can I? - by Antonio [G-RP] - 01.06.2010, 22:23
Re: How can I? - by ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 01.06.2010, 22:54
Re: How can I? - by Antonio [G-RP] - 01.06.2010, 22:55
Re: How can I? - by [NYRP]Mike. - 01.06.2010, 23:35

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