[FilterScript] [FS] ╔►Power System◄╗ (with Super Powers)

╔►What is it◄╗

It's a Simple FilterScript that adds a "Power" System to your server
You buy power pills and you'll get Power there are some "Super Powers"
you can do when you have enough Power, here are the commands/controls:
__________________________________________________ _____________
-'/powerup' <= Buy Power Pills
-'/power <playerid>' <= Shows the power of a player
-'/apowerup' <= Get MEGA Power
-'/setpower <playerid> <value>' <= Set Power of a Player

__________________________________________________ _____________
- LMB[Fire] + ALT[Walk] = Fists of Fury[50 Power]
- LMB[Fire] + ENTER[Secondary Fire] = Rage Explosion[200 Power]
- LMB[Fire] + SPACE[Sprint] = Dragon Combo[150 Power]

__________________________________________________ _____________
Note: The Power needed,Cost of pills,Power Given per Pill, etc. Can be edited in the script

None yet

SolidFiles(PWN + AMX)


Have fun Killing!

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: It only works with fists! MORE POWERS(Less Explosive) SOON!!!!

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