Originally Posted by Seif_
Originally Posted by Tɧ϶ Tσηί™
Originally Posted by Seif_
Does this actually work? This is pretty much what it looks like:
pawn Code:
CMD:loadmap(playerid,params[]) { new mstr[255]; new fproc[255] new coord[100]; format(mstr,255,"%s.map",params); new XML:mfile = xml_open(mstr); new File:mfile2 = fopen(mstr); if(fexist(mstr)) { new l; while(fread(mfile2,fproc)) { printf("x = %f",xml_get_float(mfile,"map/object/@posX\n")); } } return 1; }
How in the world does this load a MTA map?
And Yet he doesn't even include the Inc files. Such A Shame.
He did, I just showed what the filterscript is doing, I didn't show the whole source. The rest is pretty much including the includes.
I just tested it, Didn't Work. Tried to log into rcon and do it, didn't work, put the .map file in teh scriptfiles, main server file, all I get is SERVER: Unknown Command.