[FilterScript] [FS] BuyCheats by heufix v0.1 (sa-mp 0.3 only)

Perfect! I it add to my server and put the credits of the creator

Have I a problem, since I can change the key of use? Change it but it does not work:S
Since I can change it?
Change this way:

if(updown == KEY_FIRE/*KEY_UP*/){ //<<------------- ?
if(Speed[playerid] == 1){
new Float, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, carid;
carid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
GetVehicleVelocity(carid, x, y, z);
GetVehicleZAngle(carid, angle);

Sorry for my English and managing of the samp I am a new

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