Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links...

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
If you have any link ANYWHERE in your profile, signature, ANY threads and posts here...and that link is any sort of online advertising, pay-per-click, pyramid scheme, or any revenue generating system or had best remove those links because from here on out if I come across any of this kind of bullshit in my travels here the person will:

1) Be permanently banned
2) have their link URL added to the censor list
3) Read #1 again


EDIT: this does not apply to people who run server hosting companies, etc. This is simply about me trying to stop the retards who sign themselves up for some shady money-making scheme and then make stupid posts here in order to get their link some exposure.
So its only ok to spam links that generate revenue as long as they're for a hosting services / the money goes to players in high positions ? :\

I could understand you banning users who would SPAM these links, or even make posts to just gain attention to said links. What i cant understand is banning a player who would use such services to link to THEIR personal work or scripts. I was debating on releasing a really nice script and using a sort of money generating system, just so i can afford to pay for an extremely over prised host / hosted listing; In this day and age your server wont succeed if you do not get these two things. Looks like thats no longer an option though :\.

Its a shame when running a sa-mp server becomes all about how much money you have. People who are still in school become at a giant disadvantage to those that are in the working field, so they rely on such petty inconsistent ways of paying their high server bills.


Messages In This Thread
Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links... - by kaisersouse - 26.05.2010, 18:38
Re: Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links... - by Guedes747 - 26.05.2010, 18:45
Re: Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links... - by SfPwns - 26.05.2010, 19:02
Re: Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links... - by MWF2 - 26.05.2010, 19:29
Re: Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links... - by MPKaboose - 26.05.2010, 19:40
Re: Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links... - by [HiC]TheKiller - 26.05.2010, 19:54
Re: Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links... - by XRVX - 26.05.2010, 20:03
Re: Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links... - by Kyosaur - 26.05.2010, 20:03
Re: Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links... - by Goobiiify - 26.05.2010, 20:05
Re: Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links... - by Joe_ - 26.05.2010, 20:10
Re: Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links... - by weedarr - 26.05.2010, 20:23
Re: Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links... - by TruServe - 26.05.2010, 20:30
Re: Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links... - by Kyosaur - 26.05.2010, 20:40
Re: Those who think they can make money off people here by posting links... - by kaisersouse - 27.05.2010, 13:11

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