Which is best? [Buying a New Computer]

Originally Posted by playbox12
I wouldnt recommend you a dell nor a HP, I usaly make my own PC.

But if I need to give my opninion I would tell you, NOT to buy a laptop. Seriously if you are trying to play high games I wouldn't recommend you to buy a lappie but buy a dekstop.

I don't have really experience with dell nor HP, I only have with alternate, acer and qmotion

Alternate = I buyed parts there to make my own pc, never had trouble with it runs like a beast.

Acer = Not really using the pc, (its my dads pc) but the computer it self runs very good.

QMotion = Had that one years ago, worked pretty well.

Hope I helped you, for a bit.


Well, I was going to. However, the prices to build your own PC would be more expensive, it sucks, but its life. I may be able to tough, I will just need to make enough money. Usually, I can build a high-end PC for about $750.00 USD.

Originally Posted by Junkers
I'm going to contrast with these gentlemen and tell you to go HP all the way. I have found Dells to be a load of overpriced shit. "Ooo look you can get a Dell Inspiron WITH FANCY COLOURS!!11!1!" Seriously if you're going to buy a storebought PC then go with the HPs. They're products are pretty damn reliable. My mum's laptop and my PC were manufactured by HP and they're both fucking immense.
You have a point, I have noticed that. I don't really need a colored PC, but I don't think they charge you but an extra $5.00 USD for the color, I could be wrong.

Well, I may look more into Dell, they have some good prices and deals at the moment. Just to be sure, having an Intel Core i3 processor, 4GB RAM and a 512MB graphics card, I can play Grand Theft Auto IV?

Messages In This Thread
Which is best? [Buying a New Computer] - by Scenario - 24.05.2010, 03:48
Re: Which is best? [Buying a New Computer] - by KevKo95 - 24.05.2010, 03:53
Re: Which is best? [Buying a New Computer] - by Saurik - 24.05.2010, 04:15
Re: Which is best? [Buying a New Computer] - by Scenario - 24.05.2010, 04:24
Re: Which is best? [Buying a New Computer] - by Limex - 24.05.2010, 08:39
Re: Which is best? [Buying a New Computer] - by Lazlow. - 24.05.2010, 09:19
Re: Which is best? [Buying a New Computer] - by playbox12 - 24.05.2010, 09:28
Re: Which is best? [Buying a New Computer] - by Scenario - 24.05.2010, 13:54
Re: Which is best? [Buying a New Computer] - by Smithy - 24.05.2010, 15:10
Re: Which is best? [Buying a New Computer] - by iLinx - 24.05.2010, 15:12

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