does any1 know how to make tram?

Go to Debug mode in Computer/C:/Programfiles/rockstargames/Gta Sandreas

Click on debug when its loaded drive to the train track you want it to spawn. & Type /vsel keep moving along untill you find the tram

Then select it & It should spawn on the nearest track. So make sure your near to a track.

Ok now /quit the game & go to your Gta Sandreas & Open Saved Postions (should be in a text file)

Now open your gamode & Paste the lines from the tram from the saved postions text under OnGamemodeInt

Done complie play the tram should be there


Messages In This Thread
does any1 know how to make tram? - by IanDaCJ - 23.05.2010, 07:49
Re: does any1 know how to make tram? - by Jay. - 23.05.2010, 07:50
Re: does any1 know how to make tram? - by IanDaCJ - 23.05.2010, 07:56
Re: does any1 know how to make tram? - by Jay. - 23.05.2010, 07:59
Re: does any1 know how to make tram? - by Andy_McKinley - 23.05.2010, 08:04
Re: does any1 know how to make tram? - by Jay. - 23.05.2010, 08:07
Re: does any1 know how to make tram? - by IanDaCJ - 23.05.2010, 08:27
Re: does any1 know how to make tram? - by Jay. - 23.05.2010, 08:31

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