How do I make this command smaller?

One common rule, don't become cheeky when asking for help.

Remember that next time you do.

Not gonna put this into code for you - that's your job - but you could do the following (I am only giving a suggestion for the exact code you have):

First if-clause checking whether pAdmin is greater than 0, but smaller than two -> throw the lines for Admin Level 1 in there.

Second if-clause checking whether pAdmin is greater than one but smaller than three -> throw the lines for Admin Level 2 in there.

And so on.

Also note that everyone will get the first SendClientMessage the way your code is right now:
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED,"*****************************************************************************************************************************");
Another general advice:

Switch to dcmd/zcmd.

And one more to end with:

Completely recode this command and make it more dynamic.

Messages In This Thread
How do I make this command smaller? - by Antonio [G-RP] - 13.05.2010, 22:24
Re: How do I make this command smaller? - by luigifan9 - 13.05.2010, 22:25
Re: How do I make this command smaller? - by Antonio [G-RP] - 13.05.2010, 22:29
Re: How do I make this command smaller? - by juice.j - 13.05.2010, 22:51
Re: How do I make this command smaller? - by Antonio [G-RP] - 13.05.2010, 23:11
Re: How do I make this command smaller? - by juice.j - 13.05.2010, 23:13
Re: How do I make this command smaller? - by Antonio [G-RP] - 13.05.2010, 23:16
Re: How do I make this command smaller? - by Whitetiger - 13.05.2010, 23:20
Re: How do I make this command smaller? - by pen_theGun - 13.05.2010, 23:22
Re: How do I make this command smaller? - by Antonio [G-RP] - 14.05.2010, 02:59

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