07.05.2010, 18:27
Originally Posted by 0ne
Stop fu**ing spamming the damn topic, if you want to get help show the damn LINE where is the crash , if you don't do that stop the fu**ing insane spamming and SHUT UP We are not asking your whole gamemode, i got my gamemode too and i show the lines where it crashes, whats the big deal its not the whole script they won't even know how its configured and defined.
And If I show them the whole menus, which I didn't even touch, or look at, I will reveal the most popular code In the gamemode.
1. Taking working script, works 100%
2. Removing all vehicles
3. Adding in 180 vehicles
4. Any command that brings up a menu crashes the server
See? Odd! Weird! Makes no sense!
I don't KNOW WHAT CRASHES IT, I HIGHLY doubt that AddStaticVehicle or CreateVehicle under OnGameModeInit is crashing It when I type a command..