07.05.2010, 12:42
I have created a lot of garages, but i dont know how to make a Cmd to work only for a specific player and a greater Admin. If you people know anyway to make a specific Commands work for a specific player, Please Help Me!.
Eg:- When the player name is 'Ramshid'. And when types /opengate, the Gate opens, but never opens when others type it...
Any Idea about it... Please Give me.......
Thank You!
I have created a lot of garages, but i dont know how to make a Cmd to work only for a specific player and a greater Admin. If you people know anyway to make a specific Commands work for a specific player, Please Help Me!.
Eg:- When the player name is 'Ramshid'. And when types /opengate, the Gate opens, but never opens when others type it...
Any Idea about it... Please Give me.......

Thank You!