[Include] [INC] Torran's AFK System

What is it?
An include AFK system

Who made it?

How do i install?
Download the Include, Put it in "server dir/pawno/include",
Make sure you have the ZCMD include, That is needed
Open up your gamemode/filterscript, Add below your includes
pawn Код:
#include <afk>
Add this in OnPlayerConnect
pawn Код:
Add this in OnPlayerDisconnect
pawn Код:
Goto your OnPlayerText callback, It should return 1, Change that 1 to:
pawn Код:
afk_OnPlayerText(playerid, text);
Your callback should now look something like this:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
return afk_OnPlayerText(playerid, text);
What are the commands?
/afk & /back

What are the features?
Freezes player when goes AFK & adds a label above the players head indicating hes AFK
Also sends a message to all players telling them that the player is AFK

Where is the download?

I know theres alot of AFK systems atm but i did not see one thats a include

Messages In This Thread
[INC] Torran's AFK System - by Torran - 05.05.2010, 12:22
Re: [INC] Torran's AFK System - by [MWR]Blood - 05.05.2010, 13:47
Re: [INC] Torran's AFK System - by johnnyc - 05.05.2010, 13:56
Re: [INC] Torran's AFK System - by Zh3r0 - 05.05.2010, 14:25
Re: [INC] Torran's AFK System - by Torran - 05.05.2010, 14:44
Re: [INC] Torran's AFK System - by xxmitsu - 05.05.2010, 15:33
Re: [INC] Torran's AFK System - by Zh3r0 - 05.05.2010, 15:52
Re: [INC] Torran's AFK System - by shady91 - 05.05.2010, 15:55
Re: [INC] Torran's AFK System - by ColdXX - 05.05.2010, 16:09
Re: [INC] Torran's AFK System - by xxmitsu - 05.05.2010, 16:32

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