/veh destroys vehicle while entering

Both of them are right, though they work different. Mine will destroy the vehicle 50 seconds after it's empty and Mастерминд version will destroy it if there's nobody when the timer checked it.

Btw: http://pawn.pastebin.com/ZhxHxY6Y (check it out ).

Messages In This Thread
/veh destroys vehicle while entering - by Andy_McKinley - 01.05.2010, 13:29
Re: /veh destroys vehicle while entering - by [MWR]Blood - 01.05.2010, 13:31
Re: /veh destroys vehicle while entering - by Andy_McKinley - 01.05.2010, 13:39
Re: /veh destroys vehicle while entering - by M4S7ERMIND - 01.05.2010, 13:59
Re: /veh destroys vehicle while entering - by Miguel - 01.05.2010, 14:03
Re: /veh destroys vehicle while entering - by Andy_McKinley - 01.05.2010, 14:09
Re: /veh destroys vehicle while entering - by Miguel - 01.05.2010, 14:20

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