Red Circle - Delivering materials

Good evening SA-MP peoples,

I've been wondering how do i do so when i pass a red circle, either on foot, bike, car or any other vehicles that it drops off the materials packages so i recieve my materials from materials running?

Currently im using /materials deliver wich i want to change to just a red circle when you either enter it or goes throght it, it delivers the packages.
But im unsecure on how to do it, can anyone out there help me ?

I've never worked with red circle before so i might be a bit newbish on it.


Messages In This Thread
Red Circle - Delivering materials - by Chivava - 30.04.2010, 21:43
Re: Red Circle - Delivering materials - by geerdinho8 - 30.04.2010, 21:56
Re: Red Circle - Delivering materials - by Chivava - 30.04.2010, 22:01
Re: Red Circle - Delivering materials - by Chivava - 01.05.2010, 08:13

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