[GameMode] [GM] [N]BL1nks XTREME OFF-ROAD V2.0!(Lots of new fetures!!)


Howdy everyone! this is the updated version of my offroad script! This one has alot of new and great fetures!!

Such as:

Colors updated! All the random messages and spawn colors are all Random! CB also has a new color!
CB Updated! No more bugs, New color, lessened to 40 channels for realisticism.
Two custom maps! The DOZER and ROCKER
Teleport command!
Skin changing command!
rotating Spawning screen! (GM ADDON) *i forgot the Owners name*
Animations added!!! and all the fight styles!!!

And still the traditional. Six trail commands, then various teleports to offroad locations.
Vehicle list.
Vehicle modding commands.
Textdraw logo for the bottom of the screen.

The reason for this release is because im going to not continue updating this script for ANY reason at all. so.. last chance for it, so i thought ide make it puuuurty.



Good day. have fun!


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