Hidden password

I have a plugin to send emails to my users. An email is sent when they register, and it shows their password.

Say my password was 'password', i'd like it to say


Just showing the first and last letters.

What's the simplest way to do this? Create a new string, extract the first and last character, then strins() the strlen of their password-2?

Messages In This Thread
Hidden password - by Mikep. - 29.04.2010, 08:05
Re: Hidden password - by Joe Staff - 29.04.2010, 08:09
Re: Hidden password - by Mikep. - 29.04.2010, 08:19
Re: Hidden password - by Joe Staff - 29.04.2010, 08:25
Re: Hidden password - by eixas10 - 29.04.2010, 12:16

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