Float problem, (or bug)?

public statspawn(playerid)
new Float:pHealth, string[128];
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, pHealth);
format(string, sizeof(string), "Health:%.0f", pHealth);
TextDrawSetString(Textdraw1, string);

new Float:pArmour;
GetPlayerArmour(playerid, pArmour);
format(string, sizeof(string), "Armour:%.0f", pArmour);
TextDrawSetString(Textdraw2, string);

format(string, sizeof(string), "kills:%d", GetPlayerScore(playerid));
TextDrawSetString(Textdraw3, string);

format(string, sizeof(string), "Deaths:%d", GetPVarInt(playerid,"Deaths"));
TextDrawSetString(Textdraw4, string);
new pCash = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);
format(string, sizeof(string), "Cash:%d", pCash);
TextDrawSetString(Textdraw5, string);
return 1;}
and a timer for the function with a interval of 500

Messages In This Thread
Float problem, (or bug)? - by -Rebel Son- - 29.04.2010, 03:54
Re: Float problem, (or bug)? - by cessil - 29.04.2010, 04:06
Re: Float problem, (or bug)? - by Pixels^ - 29.04.2010, 04:13
Re: Float problem, (or bug)? - by -Rebel Son- - 29.04.2010, 04:15
Re: Float problem, (or bug)? - by cessil - 29.04.2010, 04:21
Re: Float problem, (or bug)? - by Miguel - 29.04.2010, 04:24
Re: Float problem, (or bug)? - by -Rebel Son- - 29.04.2010, 05:18
Re: Float problem, (or bug)? - by cessil - 29.04.2010, 05:59
Re: Float problem, (or bug)? - by -Rebel Son- - 29.04.2010, 06:16

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