27.04.2010, 11:56
Последний раз редактировалось Jeffry; 22.06.2015 в 16:36.
Причина: 22.06.2015: Fixed PasteBin-Picture
[FS] Advanced Taxi System!!
Hello guys, this is my second release of a Filterscript. I created a really user friendly taxi system, which can also be used as a teleport system, or just to have teleport commands in your server.-------------------------------------------------------------------------
What is it?
Its a Filterscript with that you can create easyly Taxi-Locations (Teleport Locations) and use them right after creating.
The Taxi will cost a bit of money, but you can define it yourself.
• /taxi [ID]
• /locations [ID]
• /setkmprice [price]
• /setminimum [price]
• /tsave [Location-Name]
==> Easy to use.
The system calculates the distance to each location, so you pay always the exactly amount of $$$.
What use?
Well, I think every server needs a good teleport system, in this case a taxi system. You can easyly create locations to teleport to, and all players can use them. The teleport costs a bit of money, but as I said upper, you can change the price on your own if you want to.
Any pictures?
Typing e.g. /taxi 0
Typing /locations
The system calculates the distance to each location, so you pay always the exactly amount of $$$.
How to use it?
Let me explain it fast, and its really easy.
Creating a Taxi-Location:
• Go into your server, and login as RCON admin.
• Go to the place you want. Then type /tsave [LocationName]
• Now open the file: .../scriptfiles/Saved_Taxi_Locs.txt
• Copy the line(s) and paste them into the taxi.pwn
• Paste it under: OnFilterScriptInit (You will see this in the script, its not hard )
• Compile.
• Reload The FS or the server, and have fun.
Easy eh? Btw, some locations are already given in: Some_Locations.txt
Note: When you type /tsave and created the position, you CAN use it directly.
• Copy the taxi.pwn and taxi.amx into ..../filterscripts folder.
• Open your server.cfg and add at line "filterscripts": taxi
• Open your server and have fun.
I didn't find any bugs yet. But IF you find one or more, please tell me!!
Credits to DracoBlue and mabako for the IsNumeric Function.
Credits to DracoBlue for the dcmd.
Credits to me.
Would be nice if you could add me at /credits for this FS.
Download Link?
Just ask them. I will help you.
Please give comments.