[Include] [INC] IST Color Handler - color up your script!

IST Color Handler
Color up your script!

IST Color Handler is a library created by me (IST N1trO) for the world SA:MP community.
this library belongs to IST (Israel SA:MP Team) and ISTPE Only!

- Info

- What does it do?
  • Converts RGB Format to HEX
  • Changes a color in the source color (like only changing the R in the color or the B or the G...)
  • Gets a color in the source color (like getting the R in the color or the B or the G...)

- Functions

CreateColor(R,G,B); // returns a color from the R,G and B
/*Example:*/ SendClientMessage(playerid,CreateColor(255,0,0),"Red!");

SetColor(var,val,color) // changes the color value in the var
/*Example:*/ SendClientMessage(playerid,SetColor(COLOR_RED,255,COLOR_B),"Puerple!");

GetColor(var,val,color) // gets the color value in the var
/*Example:*/ printf("R: %d | G: %d | B: %d",GetColor(COLOR_RED,COLOR_R),GetColor(COLOR_RED,COLOR_G),GetColor(COLOR_RED,COLOR_B));
- Donwload
please email me about any bug discovered (my email: 1rockout1@gmail.com).

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