[HELP] /cnnn [FORMAT] [TEXT]

Im trying to get another format with /cnnn. Like this etc,

/cnnn ~w~ (Text)

But i always got the same format, whatever format i use.
I can only change Formats useing this command :
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~ Drive Safetly", 10000, 4);
How can i make it work with /cnnn to get something like this?


Messages In This Thread
[HELP] /cnnn [FORMAT] [TEXT] - by andershh - 22.04.2010, 13:40
Re: [HELP] /cnnn [FORMAT] [TEXT] - by Tr1viUm - 22.04.2010, 14:11
Re: [HELP] /cnnn [FORMAT] [TEXT] - by andershh - 22.04.2010, 14:23

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