Skin Selection

Hey Guys! Alright Here I have 2 teams, one team can select any skin but the zombie team cannot.. BUT For some reason the zombies and the humans both can change there skins, how can i make it so that only TEAM HUMAN Can change skins?

public OnGameModeInit()
  AddPlayerClass(20,1965.4980,2153.0464,10.8203,93.0301,0,0,0,0,0,0); // Zombies -- ID 0

	for(new i=0;i<300;i++)
	  if((i == 7)||(i >= 9 && i <= 41)||(i >= 43 && i <= 64)||(i >= 66 && i <= 73)
	  ||(i >= 75 && i <= 85)||(i >= 87 && i <= 118)||(i >= 120 && i <= 148)||(i >= 150 && i <= 207)
	  ||(i >= 209 && i <= 264)||(i >= 274 && i <= 288)||(i >= 290 && i <= 299))
	   AddPlayerClass(i,2193.0452,1986.3723,12.2969,72.5183,0,0,0,0,0,0); // Humans -- ID 1

Messages In This Thread
Skin Selection - by Tony1337 - 19.04.2010, 11:58
Re: Skin Selection - by Jay_ - 19.04.2010, 12:03
Re: Skin Selection - by Tony1337 - 19.04.2010, 12:12
Re: Skin Selection - by Jay_ - 19.04.2010, 12:14
Re: Skin Selection - by Tony1337 - 19.04.2010, 20:27

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