What age did you leave school?

Originally Posted by FreddoX [BINMAN
Originally Posted by ruckfules99
Got kicked out first day of preschool. Never went back.

Surprise, surprise.
I rofl\'d.

Anyway, you shouldn\'t drop out. An education is the most important thing you can obtain now days, especially for free. I mean think about it:
An education gets you a decent job > decent salary > decent life.
With an education, you have a much better chance of living well off with an education than without. I know you hear this alot, "Goto school do your best, it\'s good for you", blah blah. The fact is though, that the people who say that are correct. You can\'t stress the importance of an education now days enough.

Messages In This Thread
What age did you leave school? - by Mrkrabz - 17.04.2010, 19:49
Re: What age did you leave school? - by shady91 - 17.04.2010, 20:02
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Calgon - 17.04.2010, 20:05
Re: What age did you leave school? - by CJ101 - 17.04.2010, 20:07
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Mrkrabz - 17.04.2010, 20:21
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Heerlenking - 17.04.2010, 20:23
Re: What age did you leave school? - by panzerdeni - 17.04.2010, 21:11
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Norn - 18.04.2010, 02:53
Re: What age did you leave school? - by rytis935 - 18.04.2010, 05:14
Re: What age did you leave school? - by ineoncore - 18.04.2010, 05:23
Re: What age did you leave school? - by cessil - 18.04.2010, 05:56
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Joey09 - 18.04.2010, 07:53
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Mrkrabz - 18.04.2010, 10:24
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Klutty - 18.04.2010, 10:29
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Mrkrabz - 18.04.2010, 10:32
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Klutty - 18.04.2010, 11:51
Re: What age did you leave school? - by SfPwns - 18.04.2010, 19:04
Re: What age did you leave school? - by WackoX - 18.04.2010, 19:20
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Joey09 - 18.04.2010, 19:22
Re: What age did you leave school? - by luxeon - 18.04.2010, 19:29
Re: What age did you leave school? - by dice7 - 18.04.2010, 19:50
Re: What age did you leave school? - by SaW_[VrTx] - 18.04.2010, 19:56
Re: What age did you leave school? - by oOChazyBoyOo - 18.04.2010, 21:56
Re: What age did you leave school? - by ruckfules99 - 18.04.2010, 21:58
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Calgon - 19.04.2010, 02:00
Re: What age did you leave school? - by iLcke - 19.04.2010, 03:58
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Norn - 19.04.2010, 04:19
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Grim_ - 19.04.2010, 05:13
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Burridge - 19.04.2010, 14:26
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Sakam0t0 - 19.04.2010, 14:42
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Joey09 - 19.04.2010, 14:43
Re: What age did you leave school? - by SaW - 19.04.2010, 16:41
Re: What age did you leave school? - by shady91 - 19.04.2010, 16:43
Re: What age did you leave school? - by saiberfun - 19.04.2010, 17:34
Re: What age did you leave school? - by shady91 - 19.04.2010, 17:37
Re: What age did you leave school? - by saiberfun - 19.04.2010, 17:39
Re: What age did you leave school? - by shady91 - 19.04.2010, 17:40
Re: What age did you leave school? - by SaW - 19.04.2010, 17:43
Re: What age did you leave school? - by BurningSWA - 19.04.2010, 18:55
Re: What age did you leave school? - by Mrkrabz - 19.04.2010, 20:11
Re: What age did you leave school? - by KevKo95 - 19.04.2010, 21:10

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