18.04.2010, 13:24
1є- Open Pawno:

2є- Tofind the .pwn file and open it you need to do that:

3є- Find the .pwn and Open it.

4є- After the .pwn is opened it should be something like that:
[img width=1024 height=553]/imageshack/img707/6620/pawnoopenedfileimage.jpg[/img]
5є- Now we need to compile the .pwn file to obtain/get the .amx file to run our server.

6є- Finally we get something like that:

Note: If you got some different screens and/or get some errors/warnings post here.

2є- Tofind the .pwn file and open it you need to do that:

3є- Find the .pwn and Open it.

4є- After the .pwn is opened it should be something like that:
[img width=1024 height=553]/imageshack/img707/6620/pawnoopenedfileimage.jpg[/img]
5є- Now we need to compile the .pwn file to obtain/get the .amx file to run our server.

6є- Finally we get something like that:

Note: If you got some different screens and/or get some errors/warnings post here.