06.04.2010, 07:02
on top of script (not in any function, place it between or in front of them):
a string for a textdraw must not be initialised empty, so dont forget the "_":
to show it up, you 1st need to set a string into it with format(), then show it to the desired player:
i hope i didnt forget something...
new Text:TDStatus[MAX_PLAYERS];
public OnGameModeInit() { for(new p=0;p<GetMaxPlayers();p++) { TDStatus[p]=TextDrawCreate(0,421,"_"); TextDrawLetterSize(TDStatus[p],0.20,0.80); TextDrawFont(TDStatus[p],2); TextDrawSetProportional(TDStatus[p],0); TextDrawSetShadow(TDStatus[p],0); TextDrawSetOutline(TDStatus[p],1); } }
new TDString[256];//those strings can be very long format(TDString,sizeof(TDString),"~b~~h~~h~Title~n~~w~your playerID: %d~n~",playerid); TextDrawSetString(TDStatus[playerid],TDString); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,TDStatus[playerid]); ShowTDStatus(playerid);