[How] how to find custom id ?!?[Help]

Pickups and weapons ofc have their used id's the same as object id's, so from this wierd sentence you should understand, that you can just search for Weapons list in sa-mp wiki, and for that totaly spam post, 1.MTA doesn't have this libriary, 2.MTA doesn't display these pickups as objects :@ (but sa-mp does). And will he finaly stop spamming random stuff?!

Messages In This Thread
[How] how to find custom id ?!?[Help] - by BlackAgent007 - 04.04.2010, 18:33
Re: [How] how to find custom id ?!?[Help] - by ziomal432 - 04.04.2010, 20:09
Re: [How] how to find custom id ?!?[Help] - by RSX - 04.04.2010, 21:03

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