Help Playername

This is my line

if (strcmp("/aduty", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) 
	if(PlayerAdminLevel[playerid] == 2)
	if(InAdminMode[playerid] == 1337) {
	SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF7F50AA,"Welcome to admin panel");
	SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF7F50AA,"You're now having admin guns");
    SendClientMessageToAll(red, "An admin has gone on duty!!");
    SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0x2C2727AA);
  return 1;
But i want "An admin" to change for The admin name. How to do that?

Messages In This Thread
Help Playername - by Pantontini - 04.04.2010, 19:52
Re: Help Playername - by ziomal432 - 04.04.2010, 19:56
Re: Help Playername - by biltong - 04.04.2010, 19:57
Re: Help Playername - by Pantontini - 04.04.2010, 19:58

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