Stupid radio

SetPlayerTeam sets a player in a team server sided, meaning only the server knows which player is in which team and you can get his team only with GetPlayerTeam.

gTeam is in your script nothing else, It's just a variable. It's like doing
pawn Код:
new a;
if (a == 5) SendClientMessage();
With gTeam you're assigning a player to a team script wise, which means that you can get his team only in that script. SetPlayerTeam and gTeam have nothing in common, except they're both used for assigning a player to a team. But I can easily change the gTeam variable to like eg. PlayersTeam.

You need to set the players gTeam variable to civilian in order for that SendMessageToLaw function to work

Messages In This Thread
Stupid radio - by [LSR]State_Trooper - 03.04.2010, 07:12
Re: Stupid radio - by dice7 - 03.04.2010, 07:14
Re: Stupid radio - by [LSR]State_Trooper - 03.04.2010, 07:18
Re: Stupid radio - by dice7 - 03.04.2010, 07:23
Re: Stupid radio - by [LSR]State_Trooper - 03.04.2010, 07:28
Re: Stupid radio - by [LSR]State_Trooper - 03.04.2010, 07:29
Re: Stupid radio - by [LSR]State_Trooper - 05.04.2010, 00:42
Re: Stupid radio - by campkz - 05.04.2010, 01:42
Re: Stupid radio - by [LSR]State_Trooper - 05.04.2010, 02:46

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