[Map] [MAP] Old Factory War by XRVX

This is an Old factory i made.
You can use it for Deathmatch or whatever you like

Click on the images for bigger size

CreateObject(4847, -2579.0256347656, 3467.2468261719, 3.1457538604736, 344.11999511719, 0, 0);
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CreateObject(683, -2690.9167480469, 3427.5063476563, 6.3612518310547, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(683, -2693.8161621094, 3432.9284667969, 6.3612518310547, 0, 0, 326.25500488281);
CreateObject(683, -2702.6003417969, 3425.1149902344, 6.3612518310547, 0, 1.9849853515625, 280.59533691406);
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CreateObject(12950, -2530.015625, 3446.5385742188, 23.941108703613, 0, 0, 270.8349609375);
CreateObject(12950, -2536.3225097656, 3446.3723144531, 19.016164779663, 0, 0, 270.8349609375);
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CreateObject(11085, -2424.7194824219, 3413.0659179688, 14.525951385498, 0, 0, 90.740020751953);
CreateObject(698, -2432.7172851563, 3382.1652832031, 4.4439888000488, 0, 0, 140.93502807617);
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CreateObject(10757, -2560.6525878906, 3373.1418457031, 76.513298034668, 0, 31.760009765625, 304.41998291016);
CreateObject(10757, -2478.0498046875, 3409.0576171875, 8.0983142852783, 7.5, 8.9959716796875, 303.66467285156);
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CreateObject(3865, -2546.5373535156, 3400.2741699219, 37.468784332275, 11.910003662109, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3865, -2546.4929199219, 3391.6457519531, 35.718799591064, 11.9091796875, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3865, -2546.4582519531, 3382.9719238281, 33.993915557861, 11.9091796875, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3865, -2546.5302734375, 3374.1782226563, 32.143878936768, 11.9091796875, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3865, -2546.6396484375, 3365.3857421875, 30.268880844116, 11.9091796875, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3865, -2546.4877929688, 3356.8920898438, 28.468893051147, 11.9091796875, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3865, -2546.5354003906, 3348.1745605469, 25.868890762329, 21.804168701172, 350.07501220703, 0);
CreateObject(3865, -2546.7785644531, 3339.7963867188, 22.568899154663, 21.802368164063, 350.07385253906, 0);
CreateObject(6928, -2701.0837402344, 3477.7355957031, 29.774278640747, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(6934, -2437.7548828125, 3462.3872070313, 56.583587646484, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3689, -2402.3547363281, 3321.5065917969, 9.6422080993652, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(18257, -2562.4038085938, 3390.1052246094, 6.5308856964111, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3570, -2544.9914550781, 3349.3564453125, 5.7266149520874, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3570, -2544.9912109375, 3349.3564453125, 8.3016176223755, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3570, -2544.8957519531, 3351.89453125, 5.7016134262085, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3575, -2603.9741210938, 3373.4873046875, 8.2469310760498, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3575, -2601.1320800781, 3389.6489257813, 8.2469310760498, 0, 0, 180.63500976563);
CreateObject(3575, -2590.7790527344, 3392.3776855469, 8.2469310760498, 0, 0, 1.5766906738281);
CreateObject(3630, -2413.9475097656, 3410.2961425781, 10.127948760986, 0, 0, 276.66500854492);
CreateObject(3577, -2429.4204101563, 3427.1916503906, 9.4178333282471, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3577, -2429.8154296875, 3401.7836914063, 9.4178333282471, 0, 0, 45.654998779297);
CreateObject(7025, -2469.4057617188, 3445.509765625, 9.9868659973145, 0, 0, 81.565002441406);
CreateObject(16399, -2609.6799316406, 3504.7583007813, 3.5558800697327, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(13198, -2480.1586914063, 3478.5070800781, 9.2247591018677, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(11290, -2575.0710449219, 3468.5861816406, 10.771430969238, 0, 0, 271.55499267578);
CreateObject(11244, -2621.55078125, 3459.259765625, 9.1489105224609, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(10776, -2719.3828125, 3384.9165039063, 16.565814971924, 0, 0, 89.325012207031);
CreateObject(16287, -2535.19921875, 3390.5148925781, 6.3084011077881, 0, 0, 288.53997802734);
CreateObject(11458, -2479.6865234375, 3364.5944824219, 5.0763025283813, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(11444, -2488.2258300781, 3382.9360351563, 6.2630181312561, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(11444, -2459.3220214844, 3369.3823242188, 4.8880128860474, 0, 0.0150146484375, 53.595001220703);

if (!strcmp("//ofwar",cmdtext,true))
	if (GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
	return 1;
Have fun!

Messages In This Thread
[MAP] Old Factory War by XRVX - by XRVX - 29.03.2010, 13:07
Re: [MAP] Old Factory War by XRVX - by Zh3r0 - 29.03.2010, 14:10
Re: [MAP] Old Factory War by XRVX - by XRVX - 29.03.2010, 15:05
Re: [MAP] Old Factory War by XRVX - by Zh3r0 - 29.03.2010, 17:20
Re: [MAP] Old Factory War by XRVX - by Kuba_PL - 29.03.2010, 17:49
Re: [MAP] Old Factory War by XRVX - by Zh3r0 - 30.03.2010, 09:40
Re: [MAP] Old Factory War by XRVX - by XX3 - 30.03.2010, 09:45
Re: [MAP] Old Factory War by XRVX - by Zh3r0 - 30.03.2010, 09:51
Re: [MAP] Old Factory War by XRVX - by XRVX - 30.03.2010, 09:59
Re: [MAP] Old Factory War by XRVX - by [MK]Soprano - 30.03.2010, 18:54

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