Robbank command

Hi , i would like to make the command for robbing bank ..
How would it work :
Players go to bank at this point : 2315.2446,-1.0065,26.7422
There they type /robbank , and if wanted level is > than 5 , it says You have too big wanted lvl to robbank ! And if it is lower , it sets their wanted lvl to 10 and sands PD/FBI message "Someone is robbing the bank !"
Now they need to go somewhere to put money ( it makes them checkpoint at the map)
When they are there , they get random money from 1000-100000
To lose Wanted Level , they need to go somewhere else ...

I'm using GTA:RP script and here is something , i have started , but i don't know how to finish , i have just edited /givemoney admin command :

if(strcmp(cmd, "/robbank", true) == 0)
tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "USE: /robbank");
return 1;
new playa;
new money;
playa = ReturnUser(tmp);
tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
money = strval(tmp);
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pWantedDeaths] <= 5)
if(playa != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
//ConsumingMoney[playa] = 1;
SafeGivePlayerMoney(playa, money);
GetPlayerName(playa, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
format(string, 256, "[ADMIN] %s has admin-given %s $%d.", sendername,giveplayer,money);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, " You Have to big wanted level to rob the bank!");
return 1;
who knows ,please help

Messages In This Thread
Robbank command - by ivanorezac - 25.03.2010, 16:02
Re: Robbank command - by Zimon95 - 25.03.2010, 16:15
Re: Robbank command - by ivanorezac - 25.03.2010, 17:04
Re: Robbank command - by Thrarod - 31.03.2010, 17:56

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