Dialog Not showing up to create character

Now I doubt Strtok has anything to do with showing the missing input dialog boxes, but if you believe it might be causing the problem: Simply activate the removed code & test again to see if it resolves it or not, this goes for any general script problems you encounter. So test that just to be 100% sure, but if the issue still isn't resolved, you'll have to go through the step by step process to determine when & where the script fails... So Locate the last working feature (Password Registration I guess) and follow your script until the next dialog box is suppose to appear etc. Place print messages at every turn your script might make (Example: All the IF statements etc.) If your prints are revealed on the server console, you made it that far, so do your best to figure out exactly where the script fails to print anything (Thus not making it that far)

Then over-look the script, if you can't find anything wrong with it still, post the script that is failing & include anything that is tied to it... This'll give others a chance at spotting what might have gone wrong...

Messages In This Thread
Dialog Not showing up to create character - by Josh_Kerns - 17.03.2010, 00:00
Re: Dialog Not showing up to create character - by Souvlaki - 17.03.2010, 08:21
Re: Dialog Not showing up to create character - by Josh_Kerns - 17.03.2010, 09:25
Re: Dialog Not showing up to create character - by XGh0stz - 17.03.2010, 10:23

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