[INC/FS] Carlton's MapIcon Streamer | Version 2.0 | 16 functions

Hello everyone, this is my 3rd release and i'm starting to get the hang out PAWN now. I came across a object streamer by » RyDeR « located: http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=125657.0 I was interested in the uniqueness and brillant idea of a streamer, I wanted to script one myself, I looked at the streamer topic, and noticed there was Map icon streamers with minimum functions. I decided to make one that had all the functions needed. If you want to check out more of my work view my old releases here:


Quote from the comment:

* Carlton's MapIcon Streamer.
* @Author - Carlton
* @Copyright - 2010
* @Contact - Carltonr88@gmail.com | MSN & EMAIL
* Functions
* native CreateStreamedMapIcon(playerid, icon, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, markertype, color, Float:distance);
* native RemoveStreamedMapIcon(playerid, icon);
* native MoveStreamedMapIcon(icon, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z);
* native ChangeDistanceOfStreamedMapIcon(icon, Float: distance);
* native ChangeStreamMapIconColor(icon, color);
* native ChangeStreamMapIconMarkerType(icon, markertype);
* native MapStreamer_OnPlayerConnect(playerid);
* native MapStreamer_OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid);
* native GetStreamedMapIconMarkerType(icon);
* native GetStreamedMapIconColor(icon);
* native ReloadPlayerStream(playerid);
* native CountStreamedMapIcons();
* native IsAValidStreamedMapIcon(icon);
* native DestroyAllStreamedMapIcons();
* native EnableAllStreamedMapIcons();
* native DisableAllStreamedMapIcons();

Ok, the functions are below, each one is explained and used in a example, if you have any questions about them, please post.

pawn Код:
CreateStreamedMapIcon(playerid, icon, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, markertype, color, Float: distance)
This creates a streamed mapicon.
pawn Код:
RemoveStreamedMapIcon(playerid, icon)
This removes a streamed mapicon.
pawn Код:
MoveStreamedMapIcon(icon, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z)
This moves a streamed mapicon to your any location needed.
pawn Код:
ChangeDistanceOfStreamedMapIcon(icon, Float: distance)
This changes the distance of a streamed map icon.
pawn Код:
ChangeStreamMapIconColor(icon, color)
This changes the color of a streamed map icon.
pawn Код:
ChangeStreamMapIconMarkerType(icon, markertype)
This changes the marker of a streamed map icon.
pawn Код:
This must be used if you want a player's map icon to be streamed.
pawn Код:
This shuts down the timer for a player after he/she connected
pawn Код:
Gets the mapicon's marker type
pawn Код:
Gets the mapicon's color.
pawn Код:
Reloads the streamer for a player.
pawn Код:
Counts the amount of streamers created.
pawn Код:
Checks if the mapicon is valid.
pawn Код:
Destroys all streamed map icons.
pawn Код:
Enables all stream map icons. ( Not suggested )
pawn Код:
Disables all stream map icons. ( Not suggested )
This is a include and a filterscript a installation is very easy to do. First download the packages below, then place MapIconStreamer.inc in Pawno > Includes folder, then put MapStreamer.pwn in your filterscripts folder, then add
pawn Код:
#include <MapIconStreamer.inc>
under a_samp include, and finally add MapStreamer at server.cfg.

Don't forget to add: MapStreamer_OnPlayerConnect and MapStreamer_OnPlayerDisConnect in the proper places. The download is below, enjoy.


Messages In This Thread
[INC/FS] Carlton's MapIcon Streamer | Version 2.0 | 16 functions - by Carlton - 14.03.2010, 14:25
Re: [INC/FS] Carlton's MapIcon Streamer - by Timske - 14.03.2010, 14:59
Re: [INC/FS] Carlton's MapIcon Streamer - by Carlton - 14.03.2010, 15:10
Re: [INC/FS] Carlton's MapIcon Streamer - by oshrizzz - 14.03.2010, 19:03
Re: [INC/FS] Carlton's MapIcon Streamer - by Carlton - 14.03.2010, 19:12
Re: [INC/FS] Carlton's MapIcon Streamer - by Souvlaki - 14.03.2010, 19:23
Re: [INC/FS] Carlton's MapIcon Streamer - by Carlton - 14.03.2010, 20:05
Re: [INC/FS] Carlton's MapIcon Streamer - by Souvlaki - 14.03.2010, 20:23
Re: [INC/FS] Carlton's MapIcon Streamer - by Martin_M - 14.03.2010, 20:28
Re: [INC/FS] Carlton's MapIcon Streamer - by Carlton - 14.03.2010, 20:30

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