how to create a condition?

is it a code anti-advertising in PM ? But does this code work at the commands of /register and /login . Exemple: /login 12345 -> mute
And it badly, because it is not possible to be registered and login.

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])

new string[256];
for(new i;i < strlen(cmdtext);i++)
new a[2],c=0;
for(new j = 0;j < strlen(cmdtext);j++)
if('0' <= a[0] <= '9')c+=1;
if(c == 5)
MutePM[playerid] = 1;
mutepmtime[playerid] = 180;
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, " Reklama ");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, " Chat off");
format(string,sizeof(string)," Warning %s tried to send text in PM: %s",oGetPlayerName(playerid), cmdtext);
return 0;

how to create a condition that on the commands of /register and /login anti advertising malfunctioned?

Messages In This Thread
how to create a condition? - by _S_ - 11.03.2010, 22:36
Re: how to create a condition? - by _S_ - 12.03.2010, 10:46
Re: how to create a condition? - by pen_theGun - 12.03.2010, 12:08
Re: how to create a condition? - by _S_ - 12.03.2010, 15:36

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