how to AddVehicleComponent onvehiclespawn ?

Use it at GameModeInit()

Warning! You must use valid components or server will crash.
Go here for a list of component ids:

pawn Код:
new tunedcar;//Above main

tunedcar = AddStaticVehicle(....);//Use this at GameModeInit
AddVehicleComponent(tunedcar, ....);//Use this at GameModeInit also

Messages In This Thread
how to AddVehicleComponent onvehiclespawn ? - by jame20702 - 05.03.2010, 01:34
Re: how to AddVehicleComponent onvehiclespawn ? - by Miguel - 05.03.2010, 02:44
Re: how to AddVehicleComponent onvehiclespawn ? - by jame20702 - 05.03.2010, 05:37
Re: how to AddVehicleComponent onvehiclespawn ? - by bajskorv123 - 05.03.2010, 08:27

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