Controllable drunk animation?

I used to play on a server that had the drunk animation and somehow we could press W key to change the direction to the direction we had the camera looking in. How is this possible? I've been thinking all the evening now and can't come up with any solution.
I would really appreciate any help. :P

Messages In This Thread
Controllable drunk animation? - by Michael_Sund - 04.03.2010, 21:51
Re: Controllable drunk animation? - by Fedee! - 04.03.2010, 21:54
Re: Controllable drunk animation? - by Michael_Sund - 04.03.2010, 23:14
Re: Controllable drunk animation? - by Michael_Sund - 05.03.2010, 08:39
Re: Controllable drunk animation? - by Lejo - 05.03.2010, 09:03
Re: Controllable drunk animation? - by Michael_Sund - 05.03.2010, 09:13
Re: Controllable drunk animation? - by SWEMike - 05.03.2010, 10:00
Re: Controllable drunk animation? - by SWEMike - 05.03.2010, 10:10

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