why did this happen ? i cant fix it ?

new Float:ZoneLocations[MAX_ZONES][4] = {
 	{2193.39, -1926.622, 2590.068, -1448.945}, 
 	{2010.854, -1448.945, 2590.068, -1058.119},
	{1807.184, -1926.622, 2193.39, -1448.945}, 
	{1075.356, -1885.622, 1424.182, -1390.99}, 
	{2590.068, -1673.966, 2927.337, -1058.119},
	{1424.182, -1885.622, 1807.184, -1448.945}, 
	{2079.305, -2312.000, 2547.053, -1926.622},
	{765.8739, -1885.622, 1075.356, -1390.99}, 
	{2547.053, -2312.000, 2927.337, -1926.622}, 
	{765.8739, -1390.99, 1075.356, -1044.718}, 
	{1075.356, -1390.99, 1424.182, -1044.718} 
And why i got it ? and one thing .. i used only a half of those zone locations... and
was the lihe where the error was

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