22.02.2010, 08:22
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/about", true) == 0)
new info[] = {"Info Center \n The objective in this server is to help your team take over turf \n if you win the turf war you will receve a rocket launcher and 50000 \n you can view your commands buy typing /help and /commands" },
info1[] = {" \n if you have seen a cheater/rule breaker use /report [ID] [REASON] \n you can anso turn on thr SAM site missile launchers neer A51 by going need them and typing /firesam [ID]" },
info2[] = {" \n if you are having trouble with somthing or have seen a bug please tell a admin by tyoing /admins\n if you want to view the info about turf wars simply use /turfinfo" },
format(string, sizeof string,"%s%s%s", info, info1, info2);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 40, 0, "Information center", string, "Ok", "Cancel");
return 1;