[FilterScript] [FS]Special Spawn Place (Second Release!)

[FS]Special Spawn Place

> What is it?

With this script you can save your own spawn place! Very simply use the command /savespawnp.
Next time you join the server you spawn at the place you have saved!

> Installation

1. Download the .pwn file and compile it in you filterscripts folder, or you can copy it from pastebin and put it
in you GM.

2. Make a folder in you scriptfiles named "sspawn" if the file is not created nothing will be saved!

3. If you compiled it in your filterscripts, goto you server.cfg and add after filterscripts savespawn (or another name you named it)


> Commands



/delspawnp (only second release!)

> Credits

Dudb - Dracoblue
Dini - Dracoblue
Script - Shotyoudie

> Downloads

Second release:
SolidFiles(with Dini and dudb):

First release:
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/f49be9c74
SolidFiles(with Dini and dudb):

> Bugs

None, Post in this topic or pm me if you found one!

Hope you like it
And in the next version i'll add a /delspawnp command!

You can test it here: (normal every day online but IP changes!)

Grtz Shotyoudie

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