How do i put teams like this ?

public Onplayerspawn
   gPlayerHasTeamSelected[playerid] = 0;

	if(TEAM_USA == gPlayerTeamSelection[playerid]) {

After the player has chosen the country ... how to put hte teams when they choos the country ? i started it but i dont know what to put after it ........ like .. the player wants USA and after schoosing it .. then he has to choose what he want like .. a soldier .. a medic .. or what ever .. can anyone help me with this ? I just dont know what to put below it ....

Messages In This Thread
How do i put teams like this ? - by AlbanianGuy - 19.02.2010, 23:01
Re: How do i put teams like this ? - by AlbanianGuy - 20.02.2010, 00:57
Re: How do i put teams like this ? - by AlbanianGuy - 20.02.2010, 03:33
Re: How do i put teams like this ? - by AlbanianGuy - 20.02.2010, 03:36
Re: How do i put teams like this ? - by [LSR]State_Trooper - 20.02.2010, 08:56
Re: How do i put teams like this ? - by AlbanianGuy - 20.02.2010, 19:25
Re: How do i put teams like this ? - by Torran - 20.02.2010, 19:26
Re: How do i put teams like this ? - by AlbanianGuy - 20.02.2010, 19:29
Re: How do i put teams like this ? - by Torran - 20.02.2010, 19:31
Re: How do i put teams like this ? - by AlbanianGuy - 20.02.2010, 19:33

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