19.02.2010, 17:13
Ok, thanks SAWC.
Another noob question. I want each gang (Grove, Balla, Triad, Vagos) to have their own gang color. (Both blips AND name in chat screen).
I have it like this..
Then, down some..
And, under OnPlayerSpawn, i run my function. I cant see why it wouldnt work..
Another noob question. I want each gang (Grove, Balla, Triad, Vagos) to have their own gang color. (Both blips AND name in chat screen).
I have it like this..
#define TeamGrovest 1 #define TeamBallas 2 #define TeamVagos 3 #define TeamTriads 4 #define TeamGrovestColor 0x339900AA #define TeamBallasColor 0xAF00FFAA #define TeamVagosColor 0xBF00FFAA #define TeamTriadsColor 0xCF00FFAA //these are just random colors for testing. I'll change them later.
SetPlayerTeamFromClass(playerid, classid) { { if(classid == 105 || classid == 106 || classid == 107) gTeam[playerid] = TeamGrovest; } { if(classid == 102 || classid == 103 || classid == 104) gTeam[playerid] = TeamBallas; } { if(classid == 108 || classid == 109 || classid == 110) gTeam[playerid] = TeamVagos; } { if(classid == 117 || classid == 118 || classid == 120) gTeam[playerid] = TeamTriads; } } SetPlayerToTeamColor(playerid) { if (gTeam[playerid] == TeamGrovest) { SetPlayerColor(playerid, TeamGrovestColor); } else if (gTeam[playerid] == TeamBallas) { SetPlayerColor(playerid, TeamBallasColor); } else if (gTeam[playerid] == TeamVagos) { SetPlayerColor(playerid, TeamVagosColor); } else if (gTeam[playerid] == TeamTriads) { SetPlayerColor(playerid, TeamTriadsColor); } }
And, under OnPlayerSpawn, i run my function. I cant see why it wouldnt work..