[FilterScript] [FS]Engine On/Off [UPDATE #3 - NOW WORKING]

I just tired it out......

FRIKKING AWESOME!... hm, just wondering, can you also script it so you can get in the car, and the only way the radio turns on is if you start up the car

Messages In This Thread
[FS]Engine On/Off [UPDATE #3 - NOW WORKING] - by LarzI - 09.03.2008, 19:18
Re: [FS]Engine On/Off - by sidhu123 - 09.03.2008, 19:27
Re: [FS]Engine On/Off - by LarzI - 09.03.2008, 19:29
Re: [FS]Engine On/Off - by Mr-Tape - 09.03.2008, 19:52
Re: [FS]Engine On/Off - by sidhu123 - 09.03.2008, 19:55
Re: [FS]Engine On/Off - by LarzI - 09.03.2008, 19:56
Re: [FS]Engine On/Off - by sidhu123 - 09.03.2008, 21:43
Re: [FS]Engine On/Off - by Rks25 - 09.03.2008, 21:45
Re: [FS]Engine On/Off - by Rks25 - 09.03.2008, 22:34
Re: [FS]Engine On/Off - by Ziggke - 09.03.2008, 22:41

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