[SERIOUS PROJECT!] Looking for scripters.

Originally Posted by SpanishMan
Hey Boy.. Scripter needs to be a OWNER of the server.. nobody will script 60000 lines for you to receive NOTHING (im not talking about money, im talking about the server)
Read the topic. ("Boy" where you get that from? To much of western movies?)

Originally Posted by NewYorkRP
I doubt anyone will, because you didn't post any contact details, or what you want them to do, (eg, cops n robbers, dm, stunt or roleplay)

i declare this thread /fail.
You can't declare anything, since you didn't even readed a topic, and you don't have any rights to declare anything here.

Seriously, stop posting anything before fully reading a topic. This just makes you look pretty stupid. Thank you.


Messages In This Thread
[SERIOUS PROJECT!] Looking for scripters. - by PlayDude - 14.02.2010, 12:58
Re: [SERIOUS PROJECT!] Looking for scripters. - by SpanishMan - 14.02.2010, 13:24
Re: [SERIOUS PROJECT!] Looking for scripters. - by NewYorkRP - 14.02.2010, 13:51
Re: [SERIOUS PROJECT!] Looking for scripters. - by PlayDude - 14.02.2010, 14:03
Re: [SERIOUS PROJECT!] Looking for scripters. - by Woet - 14.02.2010, 14:24

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