[SERIOUS PROJECT!] Looking for scripters.

Hello, i'm making a new SA-MP project. And i'm currently looking for experienced scripters.

What i have?

- I already have online forum with a short .net domain, online SA-MP server with 500 slots available (Hosted in Europe)

What kind of gameplay style do I want?

- I want Roleplay style.

What do you get?

- You will be the second owner after me(Co-Owner)

If you are interested in, and want more of details feel free to pm me or reply here.

Thank you, waiting for respones.

Messages In This Thread
[SERIOUS PROJECT!] Looking for scripters. - by PlayDude - 14.02.2010, 12:58
Re: [SERIOUS PROJECT!] Looking for scripters. - by SpanishMan - 14.02.2010, 13:24
Re: [SERIOUS PROJECT!] Looking for scripters. - by NewYorkRP - 14.02.2010, 13:51
Re: [SERIOUS PROJECT!] Looking for scripters. - by PlayDude - 14.02.2010, 14:03
Re: [SERIOUS PROJECT!] Looking for scripters. - by Woet - 14.02.2010, 14:24

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