PlayerToPoint is messed up.

Originally Posted by MadeMan
Post the /ad(vertise) command code.
Hah. That's the thing. I removed it from that immediately after seeing these errors. So it'd be pointless. Should I go through the PlayerToPoint's and make sure they are ()'d right and stuff?

Here's the first error. I doubt it helps any..

public DMVCheck()
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if (PlayerToPoint(2.0, i, 362.2238,173.6231,1008.382)
if(DMVName[i] == 0) { DMVMessage[i] = 0; }
ElevatorMessage[i] = 0;
return 1;


Messages In This Thread
PlayerToPoint is messed up. - by Mini` - 12.02.2010, 20:35
Re: PlayerToPoint is messed up. - by Rzzr - 12.02.2010, 20:38
Re: PlayerToPoint is messed up. - by MadeMan - 12.02.2010, 20:40
Re: PlayerToPoint is messed up. - by Mini` - 12.02.2010, 20:45
Re: PlayerToPoint is messed up. - by MadeMan - 12.02.2010, 20:51
Re: PlayerToPoint is messed up. - by Mini` - 12.02.2010, 20:52

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