Scripter Needed for a new RP server. (

Hello. I am in need of scripter(s). We have started an RP server, and have built up our community quite a bit, but none of us know how to script. We need someone that is willing to build off of a blank script. If you want information for this, IM me on MSN @ or please visit for information. Also, visit our teamspeak 3 server. Thank you!


Alan B.


Messages In This Thread
Scripter Needed for a new RP server. ( - by m5industries - 12.02.2010, 00:03
Re: Scripter Needed for a new RP server. ( - by mansonh - 12.02.2010, 04:36
Re: Scripter Needed for a new RP server. ( - by Onyx09 - 12.02.2010, 04:38
Re: Scripter Needed for a new RP server. ( - by Fugative. - 12.02.2010, 09:02

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