11.02.2010, 17:02
ok lets think
id = 0
aha, good, the variable id is 0 now (like it was after creation)
now the statment which must be true for the loop execution
id >= 287
or at the first call
0 >= 287
and that statment looks logically false
so the result of this false statment is that the for loop never gets executed and your script never calls the function AddPlayerClass
How to solve ? Just change the "bigger as" operator to a "smaller as" one
id = 0
aha, good, the variable id is 0 now (like it was after creation)
now the statment which must be true for the loop execution
id >= 287
or at the first call
0 >= 287
and that statment looks logically false
so the result of this false statment is that the for loop never gets executed and your script never calls the function AddPlayerClass
How to solve ? Just change the "bigger as" operator to a "smaller as" one