Odd bug with the SA-MP GUi features.

Yesterday i got a very odd bug on the GUi layout in-game, i can't see the cursor and the GUi interfaces are rather messed up.

Here are some screenshots!

( i wont use [img] since the images are rather big. )

How a dialog looks


How the chat box looks


How the player list looks like


I appreciate any help i can get!

Thanks in advance

- S

Messages In This Thread
Odd bug with the SA-MP GUi features. - by Elorreli - 10.02.2010, 20:39
Re: Odd bug with the SA-MP GUi features. - by gotenks918 - 10.02.2010, 20:45
Re: Odd bug with the SA-MP GUi features. - by Elorreli - 10.02.2010, 20:48
Re: Odd bug with the SA-MP GUi features. - by Elorreli - 10.02.2010, 20:53

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