Server lags on AMD Athlon X2 with 2GB RAM

100Mbit, not 1mbit *g*... Full LAN speed. the webcentre connected to the internet by an 8gbit backbone or something like this.. as i said, its an webcentre. no traffic and no bandwidth limitation. and in the internal network of the webcentre its an 1gbit connection (10/100/1000LAN onboard 100 to the internet, 1000 to the locan area network). only to the internet its reduced to 100mbit... did i missunderstoood you now or didnt you understand me? hehe, doesnt matter

Well, the bandwidth is surly niot the problem, but thanks for you trying to help

**PS: damned- usually my english is better than today. dindt speak english a long time. if i dont understand something please stay gentle

well- here are some System Facts:

3 other Servers are running on my Root
the total CPU usage of all Processes (including the 4 gameservers) is less than 30% if all 4 gameservers are empty
more than 200mb of RAM is free in the times of the highest usage

The GTA Server lags all the time, doesnt matters if other servers are full or empty.

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