Server lags on AMD Athlon X2 with 2GB RAM


I host an Server for an friend of mine, but it lags. Well, I cant test it, cause I dont play GTA but he says it lags miserably.

Server IP:

Content of the server.cfg:

lanmode 0
rcon_password xxxxxxx
maxplayers 20
port 7777
hostname [GER]G-Life Ultimate Reallife
gamemode0 GERMAN~1
filterscripts spe cre ab dc atm gangz
announce 0
query 1
maxnpc 10
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 100


So here is my question: Are there known isues and ways to solve this problem? actual I dont know the Revision of this Server and I will try out the last from the website, but I dont know if it would work better. Maybe one of you know a way.

thanks for your help from germany

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