abouting the object into server

if you are using an object streamer, like CPS by dragsta, it wont crash. just make sure the areas, with <>200 objects each, are away from each other. i didnt get any problems adding >1.000 objects at different places, spread around the map.
ah btw: the max. objects per area should not be higher than 240 (visible at pnce), so decreasing the viewdistance for each object will work even better.

Messages In This Thread
abouting the object into server - by KaI-S - 09.02.2010, 03:25
Re: abouting the object into server - by Babul - 09.02.2010, 03:34
Re: abouting the object into server - by crazzyt9 - 09.02.2010, 03:54
Re: abouting the object into server - by Bayler - 09.02.2010, 04:02

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